
Affichage des articles du octobre, 2022

Is Karate Only about Offense?

 Hey everyone, I'm back with a new entry! This time, I'll be writing about something that I have loved since I first watched Kung Fu Panda : martial arts. The one sport I chose from this wide range of disciplines is karate. There are many karate styles that exist, but the one I picked is the root of them all. It's name is "Shorin Ryu". This is the link I used this time : The Origin of Shorin Ryu Shorin Ryu is the origin of every karate style. All of the contemporary styles of karate have been influenced by it ; may it be in Japan, in China or in Korea, today's styles found root in Shorin Ryu. However, because it is the oldest one, it is slowly being forgotten. Indeed, rare are the times where you will find participants using Shorin Ryu  in a karate competition. The one that is said to have founded this style is Sokon Matsumura (1797-1889). He came up with many of the techniques and