
Affichage des articles du novembre, 2022

Is Chinese That Difficult to Learn?

 Hey guys! This week, I decided to write about the difficulties of the Chinese language. For a long time now, I have been wanting to learn how to speak and write in Chinese. I have, however, been discouraged quite a few times because I found the language to be quite unapproachable. In this post, I'll be exploring the truth about learning the Chinese language. Here is the link I used this time : Easier Aspects Whether you believe it or not, Chinese grammar is actually easier than the English grammar. It's relatively simple and straightforward, and as opposite to English, Chinese doesn't have any verb tenses. The pronoun changes, but the verb stays the same. Another thing that makes learning Chinese easier is Pinyin, which is the romanization of Chinese characters (writing them using the roman alphabet). People can write on the computer in Chinese using Pinyin, which means that there's no need to memorize thousa