
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2022

Entry 1 - The Piano : A Workout for the Brain

     Hi everyone, welcome to my blog! This is my first experience as a blogger, I hope I'll be able to pique your interest. I'll be posting about different subjects because I have a wide range of interests and passions. I also believe that having diverse subjects is a good way to entertain readers and reach out to a wider audience. The first entry I will write about is the piano and how it has a positive impact on your brain. This is the link to the source I used to write this blog :  How Learni g Piano Benefits Your Brain - 9 Positives of Piano - Pianu - The Online Piano That Teaches You How to Play The Piano is Harder Than You Think After fiddling around the internet for a while, I stumbled on the official page of an online piano-learning app. It had many articles revolving around music, and the one I chose explained the various advantages that come with playing the piano. Some people don’t realize how hard it is to play. It requires a lot of skills, such as simultaneously re